Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today was...

One of those day's that you think you've suddenly been dropped off in someone elses life. You know when your half asleep and dilerious because you've been up all night (and I mean ALLLL night) with a teething baby, but your three year old doesn't know that when he decides to jump on your head at 6:30 in the morning and preceeded to pull out your hair (between him and Kellan I should be bald, literally Kellan eats so much of my hair I found it in his diaper, ok TMI I know sorry) and lick my face and then ask for everything he can imagine. I'm not sure if it makes it better or worse that Kellan sleeps in til 9:30 a.m. Better in the sense that despite Lander's abuse I still manage to doze off again, but worse in the fact that I'm reminded, I have two now and they will gang up on you, they will never go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time, when one is asleep the other will wake and vice versa.. and when Lander's not here Kellan ALWAYS wakes up by 7. So anyways back to my "this has become your life moment" I suddenly thought oh my gosh, wasn't I just a single college girl working her tushy off during the week and partying it up on the weekends? wasn't that just like-last week? how did it all happen, so much so fast?

The day normally gets better, today's did not, school has me stressed out and the lack of sleep didn't help. What did help, was this...

ok so this picture wasn't from tonight but you get the idea. My boys love bathtime and its pretty much the only time Lander play's with Kellan so it makes my heart melt... that and Lander saying "love you mommy sweet dreams" and even my fussy little Kellan who has woken up 4 times, I went in and nursed him and rocked him again and thought, I just need to cherish every minute that he needs me in his life, right now I am the most important person in his life (literally I feed him haha) and even though it hurts to admit it, it will never be that way again.. so, some times the reality of my life is incredibly overwhelming, but when you take it moment by moment, its all good.. :)

(*hopefully I am making some sense, I just finished a massive paper and completed my 8 week course and my eyes can't really focus and I feel a tad bit loopy, off to bed for me, only to be awoken/awaken? again haha)